Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Check In Jan 7th 2013!!!!!

I checked in yesterday and I thought I would tell you all about what happened!

It was actually really easy and went super fast. You start in the line (Be there no later than 3:45-4:00 AM) and they don’t turn you away if you get there early don’t worry. At about 7:00 they let us start in the gates and we stood there for about half hour. After that we dropped off any luggage at the room they held it in and then we lined up outside the welcome building at Vista. When the line started moving inside at 8 we were checked in, asked a few questions, picked up our guidebook/ planner then found out our work location. Next you signed your housing contract and took it to the ladies who circled wellness or non-wellness.

Then you went inside and you went to a desk and got your apartment (It’s VERY important for your whole group to be together at this point or they MIGHT not be able to hold what you want.) then you got your apartment key. After that you sign another housing form, pick up your photo slip and then you get your photo for your housing ID taken. (Make sure you are 100% in the Disney Look and you are NOT wearing a necklace) and wait for the ID to print. Keep that with you! Next you sign the confidentiality form and then you go over the educational opportunities that Disney has. After this if you have a car make sure you have all the information as they need it in order to get you your sticker and your plate frame.

After this station you move to the Disney Look table where you go over the Disney Look with a current CM who will answer any of your questions that you may have about tattoos, jewelry, clothing and shoes. Next you go to the snack table (BRING A SNACK AND WATER BECAUSE THIS IS NOT FILLING AND YOU WILL BE DYING BY THE END IF YOU DON’T!) and then you have to have your I-9 forms ready before you get on the bus to casting!

At casting you will either be in the Mickey Sticker Group or the regular group. You do the same thing, the Mickey group just does it backwards in order to make sure they get things done faster. I had a screwup with my paperwork but they really take care of you at Casting. Everyone that was helping me was really nice, actually talked to me about stuff and they were all wonderful! You verify information you put into your application (over and over! Memorize your social security number!) and then you move on to getting your fingerprints done for the background check.

They scan your ID here so make sure you have it. Then we waited in a little room and was told about the need to change your address on the HUB within 48 hours of Traditions in order to get your Main Entrance Passes (MEPS) and then you cross the hall and wait. You go inside and they give you your training sheet and you traditions information and then send you down the hall to the I-9 station. You will wait at a little room and then while the person at the computer does your I-9 the other person will talk to you about your location and your first day of training. (Be wary if you take out your phone as more than one of us was yelled at for not talking to our fellow new CPs.) The next desk took your ID and talked to you a little and then you gave your purple paper to them (If you were Mickey Sticker Group) and then you were told where to go to catch the bus and you are done.

After that you wait for the bus which will take you back to Vista and then you can grab your bags and head to your complex! You will have your housing meeting the next day and if you are a Monday check in you will have your Traditions on Thursday and if you check in on Tuesday it will be Friday! :D

I hope everyone's check in goes great and if you have any questions leave them below!


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