Friday, September 14, 2012

Interview is COMPLETE

And now the waiting begins!

So for my interview I had a lovely woman named Sarah and I honestly don't even understand why I was so nervous to begin with. She was so polite and sweet and upbeat, she made me feel as comfortable as possible! She started out with the typical "Why DCP?" and I replied with my answer which was along the lines of how during my family vacations every year to Disney, remarkable castmembers made my days as magical as they could and that ever since I was small I wanted to help make magic.

She went onto a few situation questions 1) How would you handle an emergency? (What make you sure? Describe an emergency and how you handled it.) 2) What would you tell a child who was frightened of a character/ getting her hair and make-up done at the boutique? 3) What would you do if you had a disagreement with a roommate? I said my answers and she moved onto a few other general questions about living away from home, driving and if I had any other comments. Then she closed with questions, and I asked two.

All in all I think I did a decent job, and I think that with my merch experience I will most likely get placed in merch somewhere. I am 100% okay with this, tbh.

Now all I can do is cross my fingers and wish on the second star to the left that Sarah saw something in me that she liked, and that my dreams of being a castmember will come true!

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